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Epic Reviews - Drain Strain Review

Nothing much nastier than hair clogs. We sent the Epic Review Guys a product to test out to see what they thought of our product. Thank you Epic Review Guys for trying it out!


Epic Reviews - Drain Strain Follow Up

Nearly two months after installing the Drain Stain in the kids' bathroom sink, Parris from Epic Review Guys checks out the Drain Strain to see what it has collected. The Drain Strain makes it so you don't have to climb down under the sink and remove anymore gooey, gunky stuff. 

Amazon Reviews

5.0 out of 5 starsStops Drain From Clogging

"I have always had a problem with hair clogging up my sinks. I have tried so many drains some worked but were unsightly. This stopper is my answer to my clogged drain. I received an email from Drain Strain on the same day the stopper shipped with an installation guide on YouTube, which made installing a breeze. The drain strainer is well-made. It was perfect for my sink, attractive to the eye, and most importantly it worked. The nice part is that it is easy to clean, just turn and lift. I received the Chrome Strain at no cost to me for an honest and unbiased review. Will be replacing my other sink a stopper, my only wish is that they would make one for the bathroom."

- Omichelle Flick on July 21, 2016
5.0 out of 5 starsThe perfect solution for a bathroom drain!

I have one bathroom sink that has not drain cover or strainer, I have tried the cheap metal ones and they rust and clog easily so you just have to keep replacing them every few weeks. When I was offered a discount for this product in exchange for my honest review I took them up on it. It fit perfectly in my bathroom sink drain, there is a catch basket that conforms to the drain width so it can be put into place and it stays there. The basket catches anything that would have otherwise gone down the drain, the basket can be easily cleaned by removing the unit and using a toothbrush (a cleaning toothbrush). The chrome on the cover matches the chrome of the drain and looks like it was a part of the sink. This is exactly what I needed but never found until now."

- on July 27, 2016